Friday, 3 May 2013

Winter's not coming...summer is!

Its been a while since my last blog post, but there's been lots going on. Since March i've been skiing on BUSC with people from uni;

I've been very ill due to the alcohol consumption on that holiday;

aaand i've booked a trip to Paris in August!

 Busy busy busy..

Also as you may or may not have gathered from the title of this blog post i am kind of going mad for Game of Thrones at the moment. I'm new to it just this past couple of weeks but i've already made it through the entire first 2 seasons and caught up on the 3rd as well! Somehow in between that 25hours+ of tv watching i've managed to complete my final coursework for 2nd year of uni #TimeToPartaay...almost; just got 2 more exams to do and thats my year finished, so its revision revision revision at the moment, head in the books.

So now we're all caught up on my ever so interesting life, down to business. I have naturally been working on some new nail patterns, and this particular one i've been trying to get right for absolutely ages. Now that i've worked it out i really can't understand how I didn't manage it sooner, who knows what i was doing wrong. Its a water marble effect; so far i've only mastered using 1 or 2 colours just to keep it simple. Anyway, here are some pictures of the finished product...

I much prefer using white as the base colour, just helps the colours show up better, but i'm away to try a pink base coat and then yellow or orange on top...see how it all turns out!

So all you're going to need to do this is a glass of water (just average temperature), the nail polish that you've chosen for your design, a needle/cocktail stick, masking tape or Sellotape and cotton buds:
  • Step 1: Take the nail polish that you have decided to be your base coat and paint all of your nails. Give it a second coat just to make sure you have a nice even covering.
  • Step 2: Once your nails are dry, take the tape and cover your fingers around the nail so that the extra nail polish doesn't get stuck to your fingers and make a mess everywhere.
  • Step 3: Then take your glass of water and your nail polishes that you're using for the design. Put a drop of the first colour into the water in the glass. This should disperse into a ring of thin polish. (I find that some nail polishes are better than others, if they are too thick and gloopy it won't work; BarryM has worked best for me) Take you're next colour and put a drop in the ring of paint you've already created and continue alternating colours until you have about 5/6 rings of nail polish.  If you want to be able to see the base coat that you painted on your nails pink one colour eg. blue and use clear nail polish as you're alternating colour. 
  • Step 4: Once you've got your rings of nail polish, take you're needle, pin, cocktail stick or whatever you've chosen and working from the outside in drag it through the rings of paint to create a swirl design. Because the outer rings will have dried faster in order for the design to work start you're pattern from the 2nd ring in from the outside.
  • Step 5: When you've created a pattern that you like dip you're nail into the water at the particular spot you like the best. Hold it in the water for about 20 seconds while the nail polish on the surface dries.
  • Step 6: Next get a cotton bud and scrape away all the excess nail polish in the water and lift you're finger out.
  • Step 7: Because you wrapped your finger in tape when you peel it off hopefully the main proportion of the nail polish will be on you're nail and not your hands. 
  • Step 8: Finally take a cotton bud with some nail polish remover on it and wipe away any excess nail polish that's gotten on your fingers just to clean up the design.

Hopefully this all works out for you, it might take a bit of practise to get a good pattern but stick in there and it will all work out :)

Thanks for reading